California law, like many other states, requires that bail bonds companies charge exactly 10% of the total bail. This figure is non-negotiable and cannot be lowered or raised.
Purpose of Bail
The purpose of bail, regardless of the state, is to facilitate the release of arrestees who, under the U.S. Constitution, are considered “innocent until proven guilty.” Because of the bail system, these suspects can return to their normal lives while awaiting trial.The other reason that bail bonds are utilized is to prevent jail cells from over-crowding while arrested people await trial.
The state of California has the largest population in America, so it goes to reason that it also has a high number of arrests, with over 170,000 prisoners. California bail bonds relieve this issue, while still holding defendants responsible to attend trial.
California bail bonds laws do allow for financing plans to be utilized, although bail bonds businesses usually prefer not to use these methods except when absolutely necessary.Financing allows the indemnitor to bail out their loved one without providing the entire bail cost up front. Instead, they are able to pay it gradually over multiple payments, reducing the burden.
One thing worth noting is that the bail bonds agent is not allowed to charge interest on the financing plan, because the cost is not to exceed 10%.
Licensed Bail Bondsman
In order to legally post a bail bond, the agent must prove that he is licensed by the State of California. Protect yourself from a scam by asking to see your bail bondsman’s credentials.After receiving sufficient evidence, the bail process can begin, which usually only takes as long as the arrestee is held for booking. Your bail bondsman will be very familiar with this process and can help answer any questions.
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